Achieve higher match rates using the power of AI
Cash Application
A healthy cash flow is your company’s lifeline. And that relies heavily on strong match rates between invoices and remittances. Unfortunately, inefficient manual practices can make cash application unnecessarily complicated.
The Cash Application solution from Billtrust helps turn the entire process into a manageable one through AI and automation — giving you control over your workflow. And your cash flow.
Transform your cash application process
Your match rate is an indicator of your cash application efficiency. An expanding customer base, diverse payment methods, decoupled remittances, and manual processes can all lead to a less-than-desirable match rate. And that translates into cash not hitting your bank account as soon as you’d like.
If you want to boost efficiency, it makes sense to automate as many hands-on AR processing tasks as possible.
Using AI, Cash Application simplifies the time-consuming complexities of applying all your customers’ payments to the right accounts and invoices.
Cash Application uses confidence-based (not rule-based) machine learning to learn from your unique invoice structure and learn your customers' remittances and buyer patterns.